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葡京平台线上 is excited to provide a new tool to help students explore and map out their educational journey. Explore and choose from seven 大黄蜂通路 to help guide you step by step and stay on track to complete your degree and/or certificate. Explore the 大黄蜂通路 below to discover a pathway that is right for you.

Not Sure Which Pathway is Right for You?

The SuperStrong interest assessment can assist! In just 5-10 minutes, you will discover educational and career pathways. 对于每条路径, your interests are linked to careers, 工资, 工作前景, 技能, and the education you’ll need to meet your goals. Click SuperStrong to begin your journey!

应用技术, Engineering, and 数学

Architect, computer network architect, data scientist, CAD drafter, 还有更多.

Are you a problem solver? Then the 应用技术, Engineering, and 数学 pathway is just for you! Programs under this pathway are designed to enhance problem-solving 技能 and provide hands-on experience to prepare you to enter the workforce directly or continue your education at a four-year university.


Accountant, advertising manager, buyer, property appraiser, 还有更多.

Learn leadership 技能 and innovation to excel in the 业务 sector. From major corporations to entrepreneur-ships, every 业务 thrives with leaders who possess a solid educational foundation and training. Programs in the 业务 pathway will prepare you to transition into the workforce, achieve a higher level of employment, or pursue further education at a four-year university.

Language and Communication

音频技术人员, 广播播音员, 翻译, public relations specialist, 作家, 还有更多.

Explore all the different ways to be an effective 通讯unicator in various careers. Develop cultural competency and 批判性思维 技能 that are highly desired in the workplace. In the Language and Communication pathway, you can earn certificates and degrees or prepare for transfer to a four-year university.

Public Service and Education

Arbitrator, childcare worker, detective, teacher, therapist, 还有更多​.

Be of service to others and enjoy meaningful work that helps your 通讯unity. Learn theoretical education combined with hands-on experience to gain the 技能 necessary to succeed in public sector careers. The Public Service and Education pathway will prepare you to enter the workforce directly or continue your education at a four-year university.

Science, 健康, and 健康

天文学家, 体育教练, 生物技术人员, 营养师, 环境科学家, 还有更多.

Solve the problems of the world and explore the wonders of the 科学s. 开发研究, scientific investigation, 批判性思维, and problem-solving 技能 to prepare you for a 科学 or health-related career. 科学, 健康, and 健康 pathway will provide a solid foundation for transfer to a four-year university or prepare you for various professions, including work in hospitals and clinics, state and local health dep艺术ments, 体育运动, educational institutions, and re搜索 organizations.

Social and 行为科学

Anthropologist, historian, political scientist, surveying technician, tour guide, 还有更多.

Become a change agent and understand cultures, 通讯unities, and human behavior. The Social and 行为科学 pathway will help you build the global and intercultural fluency needed to p艺术icipate in today’s society. Flexible courses of study prepare you to enter the workforce or pursue further education at a four-year university.

Visual and Performing Arts & 设计

Art director, fashion designer, graphic designer, photographer, web developer, 还有更多.

Discover new ways to let your creativity, imagination, and innovation shine. In the Visual and Performing Arts & 设计的途径, you may earn certificates and degrees in specific programs, prepare for employment in the visual and performing 艺术s and design fields, or continue your education at a four-year university. 

View a complete listing of degree and program options
